Ali's therapy academy

Keeping your business healthy

Social Media

Do you often sit at your computer looking at a blank screen, not having a clue what to post? 

Would you like your page to post consistently? Does it all feel too hard? Do you just dislike writing your social media posts and don't have time?

I have a few options for sorting out your social media - Facebook and Instagram

Content Creation

- create posts for you to use. Depending on how many post you want created. Package costs from £35 

- become Editor of your Facebook page and create, post and schedule posts for you.   Package costs £50 per month


Facebook Build

Completely new to Facebook?

I can create your Facebook Page with cover picture, profile picture, details, and schedule and post for consistency and engagement - become Admin of your Facebook Page

Create Facebook Page -  £25

Create Facebook Page and schedule posts - Package costs initial payment of £75 and then £50 per month onwards